MIDMs: Matching Interleaved Diffusion Models
for Exemplar-based Image Translation
Junyoung Seo*1
Gyuseong Lee*1
Seokju Cho1
Jiyoung Lee2
Seungryong Kim1
Korea University1
* Equal contribution

MIDMs firstly propose to use diffusion models for exemplar-based image translation tasks, to address the limitations of existing methods. We present a diffusion-based matching-and-generation framework that interleaves cross-domain matching and diffusion steps to modify the diffusion trajectory toward a more faithful image translation.


We present a novel method for exemplar-based image translation, called matching interleaved diffusion models (MIDMs). Most existing methods for this task were formulated as GAN-based matching-then-generation framework. However, in this framework, matching errors induced by the difficulty of semantic matching across cross-domain, e.g., sketch and photo, can be easily propagated to the generation step, which in turn leads to the degenerated results. Motivated by the recent success of diffusion models, overcoming the shortcomings of GANs, we incorporate the diffusion models to overcome these limitations. Specifically, we formulate a diffusion-based matching-and-generation framework that interleaves cross-domain matching and diffusion steps in the latent space by iteratively feeding the intermediate warp into the noising process and denoising it to generate a translated image. In addition, to improve the reliability of diffusion process, we design confidence-aware process using cycle-consistency to consider only confident regions during translation. Experimental results show that our MIDMs generate more plausible images than state-of-the-art methods.

Qualitative Results

Celeb-A HQ


Paper and Supplementary Material

J. Seo*, G. Lee*, S. Cho,
J. Lee, S. Kim
MIDMs: Matching Interleaved Diffusion Models for Exemplar-based Image Translation.



This template was originally made by Phillip Isola and Richard Zhang for a colorful ECCV project; the code can be found here.